8 Mistakes Blog Series – Mistake #6: Selecting the Lowest Price, but Approving the Wrong Materials for Your Products

Sometimes, no matter how much you try to avoid them, mistakes happen in the workplace. When they do occur, it’s important to take responsibility and handle it positively so you can learn from it, not repeat the same error, and move forward.

Today, the team at Label Solutions continues our 8-part blog series about common mistakes business owners make. We discuss mistake #6: Selecting the lowest price, but approving the wrong materials for your product needs.

Understand What the Lowest Price Means

Sometimes clients buy the lowest priced labels without their procurement department knowing what the label specification requirements should be. It’s always good business practice to shop for the best price, but it’s equally important to make sure you understand what you’re buying for that price.

Failed Labels Can Cost You Money

Label providers vary on the quality of work they do, value-added services they offer, their production expertise, and the quality of material they use. Additionally, the potential hidden costs of lowest price shopping are that once the construction of those labels fails, it could cost you much more than a simple re-order.

Best Method Approach

Establish clear and concise procedures so your production team can forward the necessary criteria for your procurement department to have during the buying process.  

On a separate note, some businesses and manufacturers don’t care how long their brand and contact information remains on their product after the purchase. With this flexibility, they can buy extremely low-quality material, but the outcome is a much lower brand awareness reminder at the end of the product’s use. But if your business model sells a “one-time use” product and all that you need is the label to survive through the POS, then the cheapest materials and lowest price might be your best solution.

Find a Happy Medium

In most cases, brands want strong, eye-catching labels that stand out online, on the shelf, and or on the retail floor. Manufacturers want their labels to remain on their product for two reasons. First, it is so their customers have a reminder of what they need to buy again. Second, it is so their customers can reread product use instructions and label warnings. Even if you don’t require the most expensive materials, using good quality, durable substrates and inks is always a robust approach.  

We Guarantee that Our Product Labels Will Last

At Label Solutions, Inc., we go above and beyond to ensure that our customers receive high-quality and durable labels. Through an intensive quality check performance and our QUV Accelerated Weathering Testing, we arrange it so that outdoor exposure will not damage your labels. For more information, contact us online or request a quote today.